Our resident expert on these jargon questions Tall Allen is on a sabbatical this month to write his entry for a writer's contest that ends Novemebr 30th.
Have no PNI and no ECE is good though, as is only 3 cores and all on same side. Benign is always good too, but let's wait and see how Dr, Epstein words the secondary opinion from Johns Hopkins. Dr. Jonathan Epstein is also willing to defned his findings on a phone consult with you.
Since mine stayed the same I did not go that route, but it is an option.
You can do a forum search and see how prior biopsied were analyzed and discussed
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35&m=2808425www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35&m=1701373Tons of other threads if you just do a forum search for biopsy results PNI ECE etc
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