Welcome to the forum! (And of course Sorry you have to be here)
Not a medical expert, but here’s how I see it:
You are indeed in the early days, so firstly do not expect everything to be sorted out quickly. We can get very impatient here sometimes, and the problem is, is that we need to be very patient.
You have had major surgery! Having small scars on the outside of your abdomen can sometimes make you forget that there has probably been just as much trauma inside you as if they had done
open surgery. There are wounds, swelling, scars etc that will still take a while to heal, recover and calm down. It's thus too early to be thinking about
physical therapy etc.
And of course, anxiety, worrying etc is something that adversely affects the bladders of those that haven't had surgery like you've had.
As for kegels, don't do too many, or do them too often, you will make the muscle tired, and that won't help.
Yes, walking is a good idea, but not too much or too fast to start with, I found there was a speed at which things really went wrong.
Have you modified what you drink at all? Many folk here find they need to avoid stuff like, alcohol, carbonated/fizzy drinks, acidic juices, tea, coffee etc.
Finally, while all our stories here are all a little different from one another, you are anything but alone with your problem, so sorry you haven’t found some more of the more recent posts about
Try looking at some of the more recent posts on this list (found by searching the forum for: incontinence post surgery, but with the addition of the year 2014):
www.healingwell.com/community/search.aspx?cx=010904608862850737972%3A1v124njdg5g&cof=FORID%3A9&ie=UTF-8&q=incontinence+post+surgery+2014&sa=Search&siteurl=www.healingwell.com%2Fcommunity%2Fsearch.aspx%3Ff%3D35&ref=www.healingwell.com%2Fcommunity%2Fpost.aspx%3Ff%3D35%26r%3Dr%26m%3D3241984&ss=7212j36981246j6All the best