WAORGANY said...
Thanks Jerry, well I pray too that he doesn't have it, mine was non aggressive until my second biopsy so went from active survaliance to ok here are your options, and it's been down hill since then...my brother is strong, but has some other issues that could be factors...he sufferes severe depression, and donated a kidney a few years ago...he is the most caring and helping person I know! and don't want him to go through anything like I have!!!!
Thank you, big brother. I certainly hope I don't have it too. Biopsy is scheduled for Friday. Hopefully I'll know something the week after. Waiting to give me results until after the holiday, might be nice. On the positive side: I am getting some excellent help with the depression, so, regardless of the biopsy results, I've got good support there. The kidney is worrisome, just in terms of treatment options, but we'll cross that bridge if and when we get there.
Love you,