A Yooper said...
This is something that I have been very vocal about in my own life as I work with my medical support team towards a healthy life - being educated, informed and my own best advocate.
I couldn't agree more with this.
This is a huge issue for men with newly diagnosed low-risk prostate cancer (the largest segment of newly diagnosed men with PC have low-risk cases).
Many men hear the word "cancer" and immediately think they are going to die if they don't take immediate aggressive action, and so they don't take the TIME necessary to educate and inform themselves about
the very unique reality about
low-risk PC.
This decision making "rush" and lack of education about
PC is seen as the biggest barrier which prevents greater up-take of Active Surveillance. Quick
emotion-based decisions prevent low-risk men from taking advantage of the unique benefit they possess of TIME; quick treatment-based decisions prevent them from being exposed to the knowledge that one only gains with TIME to allow an
evidence-based decision.
Any post/link like this which helps awareness among low-risk newcomers about
educating, informing and advocating themselves is welcomed...