Congrats on the first of hopefully many <0.1, undetectable tests. I am on a every 3 months PSA testing regime also, coming up on 3 years next month. I would got nuts if I took the ultra-sensitive test.
If this is his 3 month post op PSA test, he needs to start ED rehab now, not later. My "rock star" surgeon had me taking Viagra (Sildenafil) 72 hours after the catheter was removed and using a VED pump 4 weeks later everyday to get blood flowing in those surgery shocked nerves. Insurance paid for the pump 100%.
I was told to take 50 mg of Viagra Monday and Wednesday and then 100 mg on Friday, play night. My doc prescribed 100 mg pills so
I could cut one in half to make the 50 mg. Remember he needs to take it on an empty stomach. Maybe a little before dinner, works for me.
Way to early to even consider injections. It will take time for recovery. He has has some serious plumbing surgery.
So far so good. Good luck!
Bill from Florida