Posted 7/7/2015 6:11 AM (GMT 0)
It's been just over 2.5 years (31 months) since my Stage IV, Gleason 9 (5+4) diagnosis, 25 moths since I started my first batch of intermittent chemo that was completed over 6 months time (3 cycles of Taxotere with Prednisone, then 3 cycles of Etoposide & Cisplatin (not for the weak), 18 months since my open RP, 14 months since my thymectomy surgery, and 11 months since I started radiation to my pelvic area and my left shoulder. I have experienced undetectable PSA's since my open RP 18 months ago.
This is all good news. I have no new issues to report. My pain and ache levels are still significant but I am working hard to stay active and work on my fitness to stay strong through the battle. My left hip area has never really been relieved from pain so it continues to bother me even though the mets that were saturated into my bones have been considered resolved.
This was not an easy path to take. Actually, it was emotionally and physically demanding. It still is.
But, today I did not feel bloated for a couple hours, for the first time since my first surgery. Unfortunately, I did have body aches which I attribute to the combination Lupron and various other treatments along the way like Zometa and Xtandi... My knees swelled up while playing today with my son but a little ibuprofen and later something stronger helped to relieve some of the worst of those aches.
But it's a good day. I get my PSA results a few days after my lab poke on Thursday so I'm expecting an 18 month trend with undetectable PSA!! Not bad for an advanced late stage Gleason 9 like me!!