My side effect experience from the concurrent RARP surgery, androgen deprivation (3 mo Firmagon to 6 mo Lupron to 18 mo Eligard), and 80 Gy of radiation are kind - of smeared as to which of those is to blame for a specific unpleasant experience.
After a year or so of therapy, I lost most all my body hair and a lot of my muscle mass. I began gaining belly fat, adipose tissue and weight, went from 200 pounds to 213 pounds over the last 31 months. I appear to have aged the anecdotal 15 years that comes with extended ADT. No thoughts of sex, not a single natural erection since Jan of 2012. My finger and toe nails got brittle and began growing in funky & split into the quick (gotta keep them
very short). My Longshoreman's hemorrhoids bled worse than usual, I got the 'radiation craps' as the RO warned me I would - lots of effort for a bit of mucous or a very small result. The fatigue was worst the first year, I am still dealing with that but am coping well...back up to my usual 50 miles a week since this past Jan (was 42 miles a week last year, 39 & 1/2 in 2012). A daily 1 hour nap helps too.
The very worst side effects for me though, were anxiety, depression and nausea attacks. They are/were from the chemo for sure, as they were very bad for the fist couple of months after a hit of Eligard. Not so bad now 9 months after the last treatment. The anxiety and depression I work through with a Zen mindfulness regimen, for the nausea attacks I use a Pax vaporizer and organic cannabis. My daily Taekwondo practice and 7+ mile run with my Labrador Retriever help a lot.
For the first year after surgery I had the commonly experienced mental deficit from being held under general anesthesia. After that lightened up, I got the mental deficit that comes with extended ADT. Still have that, but - while it is annoying - I am pretty sure it will fade when my pituitary gland fires back up sometime later this year.
I cannot advocate avoiding comprehensive treatment for prostate cancer due to fear of the side effects, however. Better the relatively short - term discomfort of the side effects than the painful, debilitating, drawn out death that cancer can bring. My side effects have been
annoying, but no worse.