compiler said...
Nomar (ie: Lupron Jim).
Your post above answered one of the questions I just emailed you.
I am going to reconsider all of this, if I get a second chance, hopefully after another HT vacation!
But, another question: you did quite a bit of stuff, treatment-wise. How do you even know what did what? Of course, you might not really care, if things are better, as they appear to be.
Mel - I personally only understand part of what Dr. Chris King at UCLA did, but Tall Allen whom I gave a copy of my dose volume histogram understands it all. In fact the toxity to my rectum was so small that he followed up with Dr King who said it was a perfect storm of general anatomy and visceral fat. He's the only doctor who ever told me I did not have to lose weight, at least not until after the SBRT since the fat protects against unintended radiation to vital areas.
It's been 11 months and still have not gotten serious about
losing weight. Hoping my IHT vacation that started at end of April will build up some testosterone eventually, without increasing DHT or PSA and weight loss will be easier.
Fortunately on the cardio metrics my bad cholesterol is about
20 and my good cholesterol just broke 40 for first time in my a decade.
Alas that T recovery takes a lot longer than I had hoped with good news being my PSA remains <0.02, and DHT <5 but with it my T remains <3 after 5 months. If they are have to go the same one way or the same other way together, low end of course is preferable.
I was on Lupron 28 months and Zytiga 9 months and have heard a rule of thumb that T recovery is length of Lupron times 150% but sure like everything else PCa it varies by individual. Since I had been treated for years for low T pre-PCa, it will take a while with the only saving grace being no libido means I do not think about
what I am missing other than when I reply to a thread about
My SBRT was to the prostate, to what we would call the prostate bed had it been removed, and to the entire pelvic girdle not just to the 3 micro Lymph nodes identified on the C-11 Acetate scan that was out of pocket but well worth it. The F18 bone scan changed my diagnosis from stage 4 bone mets palliative only, to locally advanced potentially curable with radiation. F18 showed suspicion of lymph node involvement but no bony mets, and C-11 Acetate confirmed there were 3 LN's not being masked by Lupron and PSA of 0.27 at time (recommended scan PSA is >=2)
Again thanks to Tall Allen I went for the abscopal effect of Provenge Immunotherapy in conjunction with SBRT.
I figured there were most likely more mets being masked by Lupron but SBRT would zap anything in the pelvic girdle whether the best scan could see them or not. Dr. King was diligent about
limiting the toxity that many other nationally renowned RO's said would be too toxic.
That's why there are only 3 RO's I know of that do high Gleason SBRT for initial treatment (I assume there are more that do high Gleason spot radiation but that was not my scenario), the others being Dr Allen Katz in Flushing NY and a group of doctors in Toronto that a poster named Houseboy used.