I went to see my doctor who installed my Artificial Urinary Sphincter for my 6 months follow up. After my exam he wanted to show me what he has been working on with a research team at the University of Miami.
They are developing an AUS that does not use any liquid to
open the cuff around your urethra. It has a clamp that is activated outside the body with a hand held remote about
1/2 the size of an IPhone using Blue Tooth. It is totally adjustable. He said if you wanted to play golf, you could tighten the clamp's pressure a little to avoid any access leaks when you swing by using the remote for a real-time adjustment.
No more controller installed in your testicle to squeeze.
I told him I wanted an upgrade!! It is not on the market yet. He said they have tested it on animals and so far it has worked great.
Great news for the future for incontinence. Maybe when my AUS needs replacing in the coming years I can get the automated version.
You guys with implants, a version for you could be just around the corner also. Imagine the possibilities.
As far as I know, it doesn't have a name yet. Anybody want to make some suggestions?
Bill from Florida