brava said...
thanks for posting. I'm thinking about getting brachytherapy too. what were the factors that led you to a brachytherapy hdr decision as opposed to other treatmentts? how did you handle the risk of secondary cancers?
Appreciate your thoughts
Basically I found the cure rates were the same for surgery, LDR and HDR. I've been 'off the grid', so to speak, in all my studying about
PCa, but I did a lot of research and felt it was as good or better than ANY treatment.
With that knowledge, I chose the easiest path with least chance of side effects. Surgery works great for some, but I found the chance for error higher with that option.
I've never seen evidence of risk of secondary cancers from HDR. Tall Allen or some of the others could address that better than I.
Though I still drop in here often, I haven't maintained the same focus or interest in the subject since I've been 'cured'.
You owe it to yourself to go somewhere where you can hear about
all of your options. I spent a day at Duke speaking to three specialists and then visited the RO at Winship.