I had a couple instances of blood in urine, about
a week apart, 2 years after radiation therapy.
I had a cystoscopy. If you've had surgery, I don't know. You've had one before, so you know, it's a bit uncomfortable due to the size of the probe. It does seem like it could be disruptive.
We did a urogram study
www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=urography, an abdominal CT scan with contrast that lit up the whole urinary tract. Non-invasive, and it was very clear. They looked for irregularities in the structures, and didn't find anything. I'd sure press for something like that before doing a cystoscopy through your ravaged/revised structures in there.
The CT did find a Bosniak 2F renal cyst, which could possibly have been a source of blood but not too likely. It has to be monitored, 6 months and then annually to watch for changes. So far, so good.