newtopc said...
Hello all,
Hope this is not a mistake and it is actually .08 and not <.008. I have never heard anyone report any less than <.01 on here after RP. My first test in August was <.01.
If the testing has got that sensitive and accurate then that is a good thing. See my uro on Monday.
Has anyone else ever received a report under .01 and to three decimal points?
Appreciate any feedback.
Yes, they measure this low, and you are doing as good as is possible. With your original < .01, which was super good in itself, you really had no idea where you were. It could have been .009 or .008 or .001 or even lower. All you knew is that you were less than .01.
And you still have no idea where you are at, only that you are somewhere less than .008, which is even better than what you previously knew. If you think about
it, with your new <.008 result, .007 is the highest possible # that could still be less than .008(assuming lab accuracy). This number is only about
25% or so lower than the highest possible # that is still <.01, which would be .009. So you used to KNOW that you could not be any higher than .009(or <.01). Now you know that you can not be any higher than .007( or <.008). So what you are looking at is the difference in a max of .009 and a max of .007.
So you now know that your new max possible is about
(roughly) 25% lower than your previous max possible. That is great news, but not really a huge difference. Congrats on the .008! That is super good news! Good for you! Time for you to party!