When the rise indicates good news! Ok, it's up, but it's up in a way that makes sense in a positive forecast model.
While I would be happier if the PSA had never gone up at all, today's test result has a positive implication based on the little known "Gompertz" curve. Now don't run away because I brought up math again! This is pretty straightforward.
PSA kinetics, the pattern of change, is a way to understand what the readings may mean beyond just up or down or simple threshold values. My PSA has been rising since getting off of hormone therapy in March 2016, and it looked a bit concerning with a doubling time of just over 3 months.
However, Snuffy Meyers has said he thinks PSA trends follow Gompertz curves, not simple exponentials. The hallmark of these curves is they may have a steep slope but they have an upper limit, a ceiling value. The steep rise will level off to some value. These curves are very sensitive to the numbers involved, and you need to use some judgement to get a reasonable forecast.
With my latest reading today, it appears that my trend is following exactly such a curve, the rise slowing and approaching a limit of 0.9 or so. If it levels off there as modeled, then all is likely to be well for a long time. I predicted today's reading with this curve based on prior PSA readings, and it's gratifying to have predictions be shown accurate!
Here's an image of the Gompertz curve, with my 4 readings post-testosterone recovery. It's a very good fit!
So, we've pushed the next checkup out now to July 2017. Based on this analysis, I predict the PSA then will be 0.9 (how's that for a stake in the ground?).
Fun with numbers!