WeightLoss said...
Pratoman said...
I had surgery. No material side effects, everything works, in short, no negative effect at all on my quality of life.
With that said, I sometimes wonder, would I have been better served with SBRT? I looked at it, met with 2 RO's before making my final decision. At that time, there was 7 year records on it. I wasn't confident that it was enough if a track record. Also, the RO I met with at MSKCC told me that he's not doing SBRT for prostate cancer for that reason, they wanted more data, although he said it looked very good so far, just not enough.
So I chose surgery. I have to admit I sometimes wonder if I would not have a rising PSA today if I had chosen SBRT and not an invasive procedure that could potentially have moved cancer cells around, maybe released them into the bloodstream of something.
You made a decision at that point in time. Nobody knows if it was the right decision and nobody every will. If you had SBRT, you could be one of the few who is suffering terrible rectal bleeding, which is far worse than being one of the few with no surgery SEs. That's from the SE point. As for the invasive procedure that moved your cancer cells around. Maybe it was the biopsy. After all, a miniscule number of biopsies actually spread cancer and you were extremely unlucky. But, if the PSA continues to rise, its more likely it already got out before surgery, rather than during.Good points WL.
FWIW, I SHould clarify, I would NOT say I have treatment regret. By any stretch. I do believe, and have always believed, that I made 1. The best decision based on the information available at the time, and 2. The best decision for myself.
So no regrets, just curiosity. Not second guessing myself,