Unfortunately, it won't reverse on its own, and the longer you wait to deal with it, the harder it will be to reverse. You have to begin therapy within 2 months.
They used to give radiation to the chest to prevent it, but it didn't work that well. 10 mg tamoxifen works much better for prevention. But if you want to reverse what is already there, 20 mg daily dose is required. One HW member found that a related drug, raloxifene, worked as well.
Here's a good review article about
/bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/1741-7015-10-96The only contraindication I know of is if a patient has a history of thrombosis.
If 20 mg tamoxifen doesn't reverse it, they can inject cortisone directly into the breast tissue around the nipple to break it down. With time that tissue develops a supportive collagen network that can only be removed surgically.