RobLee said...
....There are probably some newer members on the forum who are currently in the throes of living with ADT while facing RT and would probably appreciate this. Personally I just finished ART and looking forward to another year 'under the influence' despite my latest PSA being 0.00 ... I just gottta throw everything possible at this beast while it's down for the count.
Great quote, Rob.
I'm one of those 'newer members' living with the joys of double ADT while awaiting RT. In my case, I think I am throwing the kitchen sink at what is a big tumor, but a good history and pathology.
Most all the studies, RCT's, comments, and for that matter the brothers, who follow the two and three year ADT routine are high risk, rather than low or intermediate risk. For the most part, us low and intermediate risk guys just have to go with our gut. Not that I'd rather be high risk.
Prostate cancer facts are clear as mud
, but it will get better eventually....