It’s weird in a funny weird sorta way. Before my dx...I never took a pill in my life. I never thought about
it being unhealthy to not take pills. My life went along...working on my boat...seeing my girlfriend...driving and owning different cars...etc...sometimes goin to church for my own reasons...struggling along with this and that issue of the day (which would change according to whatever situation or problem or good days I was having....then...ka operation...and sudedenly I’m all sick and takin this and that for this and that....and now...I’m in there fillin up my weekly pill counter...5,6, 8 pills I don’t know...but...I never di$ this before November 25’ 2015...ever...not one pill my whole life except for here or there...heartburn a Tagamet or something from time to time. What’s changed...I do not know.
I stopped taking some pill my gp gave me for something about
my urinating...I stopped taking taking probiotics a year and a half ago. I still take 3 pills a day...BP...aspirin (dvt?j...vitamin d3.
What’s changed? Before my operation it never occurred that takin pills was good....takin pills never even occurred me period for my health. I was healthy without pills. Now..I’m unhealthy WITHOUT pills??? And that happened in one....3 hr period of my life? Yes it did is the answer...but it don’t make sense to me.
Makes no sense to me at all at all at all. What changed??? I don’t know? I’m UNHEALTHY now if I don’t take pills??? Doesn’t compute. From am operation?? Not possible!
Take what ya need to take not have ❤️ attack. But...I don’t know...fillin unhealthy if I don’t take pills....don’t seem healthy to me...that’s all. But don’t have a heat attack...a pills worth it to keep that if it takes that to not have heart problems.
Taking pills to keep from feeling unhealthy just ain’t healthy...yeah...that’s what i think ... I think 🤔
Sorry for spelling and grammar....iPad and eyesight tired ... but if I cared enough that wouldn’t be happening