Posted 6/30/2018 7:03 PM (GMT 0)
Please excuse the long post, but I really, really need to vent. The de-fence in the title was spelled right, because I was not watching the World Cup, rooting for defense. I was taking down a fence, an 8 foot tall pipe coral type fence where we used to keep our Alpacas and goats. I forgot this section was not anchored in the ground; instead it was supported by a couple of side poles, at an angle to the pen. I reached up to cut the tie between pole and pipe coral fence, and BOOM, the entire section 20 feet long, which was attached to another 20 foot section, came down almost in slow motion, and almost on top of me. I slipped through an opening in the coral, and fell backwards, landing my back on a big smooth rock.
I thought I was OK at first, and then a pain of enormity began in my lower back and side. I immediately thought, my Doctor has always warned me that I have weak bones including Mets on my rib, pelvis and femur. PCa and Xgeva treatments can result in an easy fracture. For some men, just walking with a slight mis-step has caused cracked femurs. I was cursing this darn PC.
I slowly picked myself up, and hobbled to the house, where my roommates (including an ER nurse) gave me some first aid, and bandaged a 3-inch cut in my forearm. We agreed I probably did not crack any bones. Soreness spread and I needed to lie down with alternating cold and then hot pads until evening.
As I tossed and turned last night, I felt the pain spread all around my back to my chest. I rolled out of bed, literally screaming and crying, I had never felt so much physical pain in my life of 62 years. I screamed at my wife to get dressed, to wake up the roommate nurse, and continued to scream for her to drive me to the ER, or just PLEASE call an ambulance, as she was still half asleep and thought I was being over dramatic, as I have been in the past. Then the chest pains and shallow breathing got her concerned.
In any case, they drove me the 4 miles to the local ER. The Doc took an EKG and Enzyme test, all OK, no heart attack. I received one Norco pill for pain. X-rays revealed no broken bones or internal injuries. The pain slowly eased off, and 3 hours later, I was sent home with minor pain and lot of soreness. Diagnosis was a contusion of my chest wall. Need rest and relaxation for a few days, and no physical activities (such as catching a 40 foot section of pipe coral fence on top of me!) Turns out, another miracle healing in store for me!
I got on Facebook and saw that a red light runner had broadsided my Sister- in-law earlier that day (She is OK). This whole traumatic experience reminded me how fragile I am, we all are, that unexpected events can have really dire consequences. I prayed hard for healing, wisdom and protection for future events.
So I am also praying for all of you, for protection and healing and avoidance of injury and pain, both emotionally and physically. As always keep the faith!
Wings, aka Dan in So Cal