halbert said...
I presume that the typical treatments for BPH haven't had a lot of success-such as finasteride, etc?
Reality is that with a single G6, low volume core, the PC isn't the issue, the BPH is, so nothing has really changed--you have a BPH problem, the question is how to treat it? TUNA is not a term I'm familiar with-I assume it's a BPH treatment? TURP, green light laser, other newer things might be worth looking into.
I'd reiterate: I'd focus on the BPH-that's the issue, not the PC. Yes, a RALP will cure both conditions, but it might be throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Hello Bob and welcome. I agree with Halbert that RALP seems like overkill to cure BPH. Seems like focusing on the BPH and treating the G6 as a chronic condition would make a lot of sense. I assume at Brady you will have a thorough AS discussion?