ldog said...
Did you do anything different the past 5 weeks, any tips, I'm about to start and trying to gather as much info as possible.
Thanks much!
First off, I have to give credit to MSKCC. I took Bicalutimide (Casodex) daily, also an 8 oz. glass of Citrucel mixture (RO warned me about
constipation) to keep your colon/rectum moving along, also Gas X 125 mg daily. Did tons of Kegels daily, walked daily!
Also, I am on the Mediterranean Diet (not sure what it did)...no Red meat, Eggs, processed foods, alcohol, ate a lot of fatty fish, cruciferous veges (kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli) etc..
As a side note, I did NOT have a SPACER OAR, and I have NO rectal issues (I know they may develop later)!
Can't let minor issues get you down! I sat in the RO waiting room with guys who had cancer (metastisized) all over their bodies. Hard for me to complain about
sensitive nipples when you look at the big picture! I now put my life into perspective...can't sweat the small stuff and I don't engage in useless drama! Always keep a positive attitude and surround your self with supportive positive people.
Family was great, especially my wife!!