Posted 2/8/2019 2:38 AM (GMT 0)
I am happy to say my 7 month Lupron Sentence was completed today. I am now on parole and my Parole Officer (My RO) does not want to see me until the middle of May.
All joking aside, It is now 3 months since I completed my 38 treatments of SRT and my 7 months of Lupron ended today. Considering what I have read from other HW members, I have had a pretty easy go of it. I thought I would relate what I have experienced, in the hope that it helps other who may go down this path.
I am still 100% continent and never had any problems during my treatments. I do have to urinate more often than before Tx started; I usually have to get up once or twice a night, depending on how much and how late I drink. One interesting aspect since surgery; when I have to go, I have to get to the head soon.
I did experience hot flashes, but I managed them by drinking soy milk.
I did gain about 4 or 5 pounds, but I am working them off with our daily bike rides now that we are in Florida for the winter. Like Prato and others, I think it is in my belly. I also try to do 75 - 100 bent knee sit ups a day, so hopefully that will also help.
I found I sweat much faster and much more, especially on my head when we are walking or biking.
I have not noticed any fatigue or muscle loss, and neither has my wife. 20 mile bike rides and 3 - 4 mile walks or not an issue.
I have not noticed any change in bowel habits.
I can still achieve about 60 - 65% erection, and now that the Lupron is finished we plan on working more at this issue.
All things considered I am very grateful that I have have had a fairly easy time so far. Now I am just hoping my treatments were successful and my psa will be undetectable in May. For now, I am living a very happy life and not thinking about pca.