I was diagnosed with Pc last week and my Urologist Oncologist explained to me that there were only two options in Colombia (south america): surgery and radiation therapy.
He explained both alternatives and gave approximately the same numbers and risks factors for both. Because of my age he recommended the surgery and told me that if there was a recurrence it could be treated with RT. He did explain that there was also Brachytherapy but that if there was a recurrence surgery would be out of the question. any thoughts on my journey? I just got a new job and would start on July 28. I am in a bind on making a decision. Is brachytherapy more precise and reliable today than 5 or 6 years ago?
Age 58 Psa 1/19 - 4.1 Psa 6/19 - 3.2
DRE abnormal(lump left side) Gleason 6
6/12 cores positive %10 40 % 60 40 %70
Post Edited (C.H.) : 6/29/2019 7:57:38 AM (GMT-6)