Tim G said...
81GyGuy said...
One wonders if the (presumably) temporary measures now or soon to be in effect to control the cvirus may become permanent parts of our daily life.
So after the cvirus threat diminishes, hopefully as soon as possible, will we still keep the hand sanitizers available in public places, have security guards in those places ask sneezing, sniffling people to leave the area, etc? Even though no pandemic is thought to exist?
It's arguably a good policy to do so, some would say. Or would that be viewed as encroaching on personal freedom too much?
The next time you utilize the Costco Men's Room ( in view of the CDC hand washing recommendations in place long before the COVID-19 pandemic) observe who washes his hands – and for how long, and whether they use the soap dispenser-- and who does not. Some men skip the sink entirely. Some permit a squirt or two to moisten their hands, followed by a swift shake and a walk past the paper towels or air dryer. Some may view the COVID-19 hygiene recommendations as an encroachment on their freedom; others have no clue about
the germ theory of disease transmission; others think the whole thing about
COVID-19 is fake news.^^^^^^^^^^
and keep an eye on the stalls and see how many guys flush after dropping one