This study, basically seems to say what the title of the thread implies. It makes zero sense to me, goes against everything I understand. Anybody make sense out of this? I’ve said here before, I’ve struggled with High TG all my adult life, and am pretty convinced that is what led to me having Coronary Artery Diseae, and two stents.
What I am dealing with now is a TG AND level of 260, despite a solid reasonably low carb diet, and active lifestyle.
I believe that it’s a result of low testosterone (currently 236) which never quite returned to baseline after just 6 months of ADT, which ended over 2 years ago. The only thing left for me to do is to practice very low carb AND very low fat diet, which for me, is unsustainable, and would be almost akin to torture. Food is one of the joys of my life. I can practice moderation but don’t know about
complete abstinence.