DJL21 said...
I included all data in signature block. Not sure why it is not showing up.
I asked for second opinion from Johns Hopkins. I think my urologist is going to tell me how to get slides to them.
I could only find one study on Oncotype DX that concluded a higher GPS was associated with an increased risk of biopsy up-grading. My insurance covers test but says "considers repeat testing or use of more than one type of test to assess risk of prostate progression (Oncotype...) experimental and investigational".
55 yo, DX 5/10/22, T1c, 2/12 cores < 1mm < 5% and 1 high grade pin, G6, PSA 3.66, free to total ratio = 21%, 50.4 cc psa density 0.07
5/4/22 TRUS biopsy 2/12 left apex and right base, high grade pin right mid
5/21 transperineal biopsy - lesion negative, atypical other side
12/20 MRI Pirad-3 lesion
there's always a delay, even if you modify your profile