Posted 8/3/2022 2:43 PM (GMT 0)
AAT - androgen ablation therapy (same as ADT and HT)
AAWR – anti-androgen withdrawal response
ACTH - adrenal corticotropic hormone, also known as corticotropin
ADT - androgen deprivation therapy (same as AAT and HT)
ADT2 - androgen deprivation therapy using two agents
ADT3 - androgen deprivation therapy using three agents
AG - aminoglutethemide
ALK PHOS - alkaline phosphatase
ALT - alanine aminotransferase
ART - adjuvant radiation therapy
ARI - androgen receptor inhibitor
AS – active surveillance
ASCO - American Society of Clinical Oncology
AST - aspartate aminotransferase
ASTRO - American Society of Radiation Oncology
AUA - American Urological Association
AUS - artificial urinary sphincter
BCF - biochemical failure
BCR - biochemical recurrence
BILI - bilirubin
BMD - bone mineral density
BMI - body mass index
BNI - bladder neck invasion
BPH - benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia
BPSA - baseline PSA
BRACHY - brachytherapy
BS - bone scan
BT - brachytherapy
BUN - blood urea nitrogen
BP - blood pressure
BX - biopsy
CAB - complete androgen blockade (the combination of either surgical or medical castration with an antiandrogen like bicalutamide/Casodex)
CADT - continuous androgen deprivation therapy
CaP - cancer of the prostate
CAPRA - Cancer of the Prostate Risk Assessment
CATH - catheter
CAT SCAN - computerized axial tomography (same as CT scan)
CBC - complete blood count
CDUS - color-flow Doppler ultrasound
CEA - carcinoembryonic antigen
CGA - chromogranin A
cGy - centigray (100 cGy = 1 Gy)
CHB - combined hormone blockade (see also CAB, CHT, CHB2, CHT2)
CHB2 - CHB with 2 medications
CHB3 - CHB with 3 medications
CHBNDT - CHB non-detectable [PSA] time
CHEMO - chemotherapy
CHT - combined hormonal therapy or treatment (see also CAB, CHB)
CHTx3 or CHT3 - see CHB3
CIS - cancer information service (of the National Cancer Institute)
CPA - cyproterone acetate
CP - capsular penetration
CRPC – castration-resistant prostate cancer
CREAT - creatinine
CRYO - cryotherapy, cryoablation, cryosurgery
CS - clinical stage
CT SCAN - computerized tomography (same as CAT Scan)
D - diploid
DES – diethylstilbestrol
DHEA - dihydroepiandrosterone
DHEA-S - DHEA-sulfate
DHT - dihydrotestosterone
DI - diploid index
DIP - diploid
DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid
DRE - digital rectal examination
DT - doubling time
DX - diagnosis
DXM - dexamethasone (Decadron)
ESRT - early salvage radiation therapy
EBR - external beam radiation
EBRT - external beam radiation therapy
ED – erectile dysfunction
EKG - electrocardiogram
ELISA - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
eLND - extended lymph node dissection
EPE - extra prostatic extension
EPO - erythropoeitin (Procrit, Epogen)
EXBT - external beam therapy
EXRT - external radiation therapy
F 18 - PYLARIFY® (piflufolastat F 18) radiotracer
FDA - Food and Drug Administration (USA)
FH, Fhx - faily history
FP – family practitioner
fPSA - free PSA
FLA - focal laser ablation
FU, F/U - follow up
G - Gleason score
Ga 68 - gallium PSMA-11 radiotracer
GFMPH - good for men's prostate health
GG - Gleason grade
GGG- Gleason Grade Group
GI - gastrointestinal
GNRH - gonadotropin-releasing hormone (see also LHRH)
GP - general practitioner
Gray - an amount of radiation absorbed (same as GY)
GS - Gleason score
Gy - an amount of radiation absorbed (same as gray)
HA - hormone ablation
HB - hormone blockade
HC - hydrocortisone
HCT - hemotocrit
HDK - high dose ketoconazole (Nizoral)
HDR – high-dose radiotherapy (brachytherapy)
HEM/ONC – hematologist oncologist
HGB - hemoglobin
HGPIN - high-grade prostatic intrapithelian neoplasia
HIFU- high intensity focused ultrasound
HMO - health maintenance organization
HPF - high powered field (under a microscope)
HR - hazard ration
HRPC - hormone-refractory (or hormone-resistant) prostate cancer
HT - hormone therapy (same as AAT and ADT)
HW - Healing Well (this website)
HX – medical history
IADT – intermittent androgen deprivation therapy
IAS - intermittent androgen suppression
IHT – intermittent hormone therapy
ICHT - intermittent combined hormone therapy
IGRT – image guided radiation therapy
IHT - intermittent hormone therapy
IMPT - intensity modulated proton therapy
IMRT – intensity modulated radiation therapy
IVP - intravenous pyelogram
IV - intravenous, into a vein
LARP – laproscopic robotic prostatectomy
LDR - low-dose radiotherapy (brachytherapy)
LF - laser fulguration
LHRH - luteinizing hormone releasing hormone
LNCaP - cell line of human prostate cancer used in laboratory studies
LND - lynph node dissection
LNI - lymph node invasion
LRP - laparoscopic radical prostatectomy
LU-177 - Lutetium 177 radionuclide
LVI - lymphovascular invasion
M0-1 – Status of cancer metastasis, subset of staging
M1, NO, MX - metastasis present, not present, not evaluated
MAB - maximal androgen blockade (same as CAB)
MAD - maximal androgen deprivation (same as CAB)
MCP - modified citrus pectin
mCRPC - metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
MD - moderately differentiated, medical doctor
MED/ONC – medical oncologist
MFS - metastasis free survival
MIP - Molecular Imaging Program
MIRs - micro RNA's
mPC - metastatic prostatic cancer
mpMRI - Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging
MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
MSK - Memorial Sloan Kettering (Cancer Center)
N0-N3 - status of cancer in the lymph nodes (subset of staging)
NCI - National Cancer Institute
NDPSA - non-detectable PSA
NDX - new diagnosis
NED - no evidence of disease
NEG - negative
ng/mL - nanograms per milliliter
ng/dL - nanograms per deciliter
NHB - neoadjuvant hormone blockage
NHT - neoadjuvant hormone therapy
NIH - National Institutes of Health (USA)
NL - nil (non-detectable response)
NP - nurse practioner
NSAID - non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drug
NSE - neuron-specific enolase
ONC - oncologist
ONJ - osteonecrosis of the jaw
ORCH - orchiectomy
OS - overall survival
PAP - prostatic acid phosphatase
PARP - poly(adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerase
PBRT - proton beam radiation therapy or prostate bed radiation therapy
PBT - proton beam therapy
PC - prostate cancer
PCa - prostate cancer
PCA3 - prostate cancer gene 3
PCD - prostate cancer [personal] digest
PCP - primary care provider or physician
PE - physical exam
PET Scan - Positron emission tomography scan
PD - poorly differentiated
PDQ - Physician's Data Query ( a service of the National Cancer Institute)
PFS - progression-free survival
pg/mL - picograms per milliter
PHI - prostate health index
PIN - prostatic intraepithelial (or intraductal) neoplasia
PI-RADS - prostate imaging reporting and data system (1-5)
PLN - pelvic lymph node
pN - regional lymph node metastases
PNI - perineural invasion
POS - positive
PP - Partin prediction
PPI - post prostatectomy incontinence
PPO - preferred provider organization
PRL – prolactin
PRP – see RPP
PSA - prostate specific antigen
PSA II - prostate-specific antigen type II assay
PSAD - PSA density
PSA RT-PCR - PSA reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
PSADT - PSA doubling time
PSM positive surgical margin(s)
PSAV - PSA velocity
PSM - prostate specific membrane
PSMA - prostate specific membrane antigen
pT - primary tumor invasion status 1-4
PV - prostate volume
PZ - peripheral zone
QCT - quantitative computerized tomography (bone density scan)
QOL – quality of life
RAD/ONC – radiation oncologist
RALP – robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy
RCT - randomized controlled trial
RO – radiation oncologist
RP - radical prostatectomy
RPP - radical perineal prostatectomy
RRP - radical retropubic prostatectomy
RT - radiation therapy
RX – prescription
SBRT - stereotactic body radiation therapy
SI - seed implantation
SM - surgical margin(s)
SRT - salvage radiation therapy
STP - stereotactic transperineal prostate biopsy
SVI - seminal vesicle invasion or involvement
T - testosterone
T0-T4 - status of cancer in the prostate itself (subset of staging)
tPSA - total PSA
TRT - testosterone replacement therapy
TRUS - transrectal ultrasound
TRUS-P, TRUSP - transrectal ultrasound of the prostate
TURP, TUR/P - transurethral resection of the prostate
TX - treatment
TZ - transition zone of prostate
UA - urinalysis
uPSA - ultrasensitive PSA
URO - urologist
US - ultrasound
UTI - urinary tract infection
URL - universal resource locator
UTI - urinary tract infection
VED - vacuum erection device
WD - well differentiated
WPRT - whole pelvic radiation therapy
XBRT - external beam radiation therapy
XRT - external radiation therapy
YO - year(s) old