Welcome Glandless. You will get more responses with your own thread, so i set one up for you here...
https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35&m=4314032Glandless said...
I am new to this site and glad I found it. I am 6 days post RALP and get my catheter out tomorrow. So many similarities to your stories- never as much pain as discomfort. My wife and I felt like new parents with a baby to care for but no knowledge on how to do it correctly. We were paranoid about cleaning the various parts of the catheter along with my penis and scrotum. If there was ever any mystery about that part of my body in her mind, it's gone now. I stopped the opioid pain killer after three nights and Tylenol has been sufficient to deal with the discomfort. I was surprised to feel the absence of the prostate above my perineum when I sat on an unstuffed chair. Again, unusual rather than painful. The worst aspect so far has been the lymph fluid collecting in my penis, scrotum and left leg where the catheter anchor is attached, causing lots of black and blue swelling. I saw another person here liking it to having Jabba the Hut with a tube out his mouth living between your legs. Spot on. Walking has been fairly easy all week, but my wife won't let me climb any stairs or go on any steep slopes yet. I was never truly constipated, but bowel movements have been a struggle all week long. Stool softeners are my new best friend. I welcome advice from those who have been on this path ahead of me.