Dear Bluebird and Tony,
Unlike you I am not an animal lover. Dont' mind them, but just not interested. I am, however amazed and crazy about humans. You are two of the best I have met. I have spent most of my life around high quality high performance people. Those I meet here are the same.
Bluebird, the care giver and nurturer and lover of those who suffer. Tony, the courageous and determined and wonderful example.
I am humbled by your example. I have run out of things to say. So I will say it again. I am humbled by your example.
Bluebird. Where, oh where, would the jetguy be without his bluebird? Would he be lost in space and time? A lost soul? Forever frightened? Probably not, but without you and your Buddy life would have been so much more difficult. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Oh! so very much.