Although I haven't been on lately, I've been reading about
each of your adventures. And, thought I share my early Christmas gift with you. And, yes, I know its Thanksgiving.
Anyway, my better half asked me the other day what I wanted for Christmas. I thought before replying, heck, I've got everything I need; a shop full of tools, super kids and grandkids, in-laws that I can tolerate, and good health (except for the obvious), so I responded that the only thing I really wanted for Christmas was to get rid of this cancer! Santa must have been listening in.
After two CT scans, a bone scan, chest x-ray, more blood tests than I can count (I'm diabetic and have to come off the Metforin each time while the dye works out of the system), consultations with the Urologist and my surgeon, I got the news this afternoon that my cancer will be evicted by a robot on December 6 at 9 a.m. This is all I wanted for Christmas!
And, I've been preparing for it: 3 -4 miles of speed walking everyday along with working out each day. Watching my diet, keeping my blood sugar out of the stratosphere and now I can begin the countdown. Finally!!
Don't know if this is normal or not, but I'm not at all apprehensive or anxious about it. At all! My Doc said with my positive attitude, great physical shape and overall good outlook on life, I'll do fine. Having read all your posts and asking a few questions of my own, sure made adjusting to life "pre" surgery much easier and offers great promise for my new life after surgery. And, what better way to start it than to know that my one simple Christmas wish has just been answered.
Best wishes to each of you for a wonderful Thanksgiving.