Return to work is different for each of us...depends on the type of job, how your recovery is progressing. I have an office job. Was able to do some work at home. Decided to return to the office after just 12 days for two to three hours per day that first week. I walked very slowly the first week back, and really didn't feel that great. I had someone drive me to/from work and I reclined the seat and sat on a pillow during the transports. The next week I handled half days; the following week 3/4 days; then the next week full time. By the time I reached full time days, my stamina was back to pre-surgery form. I refrained from lifting anything over 10 pounds until six weeks post surgery.
My advice to you is try and return to work. If you can have others drive for you, do so with the seat reclined and you sitting on a pillow. When you start feeling fatigued, call it a day. Each successive week the stamina will improve and your length of time on the job will increase.
Good luck.