I had the open prostate nerve-sparing surgery just three weeks ago. I did not require blood and my healing has been almost routine. The post pathology was "No more cancer". Of course, that is good news.
I chose the open radical nerve-sparing surgery because it was the only surgery available in this smaller town. I could have chosen a larger city, but the closest would have been 150 miles away. In reading posts on this forum, it seems that none of you on this forum (I discovered it just today so I may have missed something) has had the open surgery like I did. That is a little scarry for me (I know. It's too late to re-evaluate and make a different choice.).
Here are some areas in which I need comments.
(1) I encountered a problem with the catheter that I have found absolutely no one else whom I spoke with experienced: Urine leaked out around the tube, even before I left the hospital. I talked to the doctor's nurse and she in turn talked to him ; he did not think it was a problem. It sure was hard to deal with, however. I was totally unprepared for the degree of incontinence following removal of the catheter. I expected some dribbling, but I had no idea that I would have absolutely no control. That "freaked me out." I have learned to deal with it better now, but that was a shocker. I understand that it is to get better with Kegal and time, but for now I am still very concerned (I see from other posts that I am very impatient, to say the least...three weeks?)
(2) The surgeon (not at all very talkative) handed me a device when he pulled the cath out. It was a clamp which was to go on my penis! I have not read of anything like that from any of you today on these posts. Has anyone else used one of these things? It does work for about 30 minutes and then begins leaking through it. Beside that, it hurts. I also had some bleeding and I think it was the result of the clamp. It quit when I took it off. Anyway, I've decided not to use it any longer unless some of you can give me some encouragement and some first-hand positive experience with it. Today I started simply using pads, and it looks as if it will take 8 or 9 per day currently. That's a lot of changing, but I can deal with that better than a clamp. And while on the subject, I wanted to mention that I am uncircumcised. That keeps everything very wet , and sometimes I experience stinging. The surgeon said not to pull the foreskin back but to leave it in place "because it could cause some serious problems if you do." That's something I had never heard before either. I wonder what kind of problems? He didn't hang around to explain himself and I was too overwhelmed to ask at that moment. I thought by pulling the foreskin back that I could stay dryer.
(3) We were prepared for the erectile dysfunction thing, as devastating as it was to us. But we are motivated to overcome that in time, although the doctor said nothing about Viagra, etc. I did ask for "nerve sparing". Afterward, he did say that he was able to spare the nerves.
Thanks to any of you who can give some insight into these things. Now that I have found this forum, I will probably be back with more questions. Of course some have already been answered just by reading your posts.