Dear mvesr,
Okay ~ it is 3:47 a.m. EST and this has been on my mind so I decided to get up and communicate it in writing.
I need to apologize to you.
You started another thread soon after this one… titled Back to the Doctor.
I mentioned it would be good to stay with your original thread so people can see Your Journey as it unfolds. You did!
You replied on the Hugs Posting and I directed you and others to post back to your original thread… You did!
I was wrong in doing this!!! I realize that each person needs to do what they feel comfortable doing. Suggestions are fine but to make someone feel like they are doing something wrong is not what my intentions were at all!
Your Journey is so important… and needs to be seen and heard… So ~ please don’t hesitate to start a New Thread… with your complete journey… and a new title!!
Please Keep Posting…. Your input is invaluable…. You have sent over 20 reply posts to others and this is what it’s all about. You are now on the other side and Your Journey is a wonderful gift to give to all of us.
Heartfelt Thoughts from Lee *mama bluebird