Are you on a windows or mac pc?
Here is some info from the opening chat window...
PCs: IE 6.0+, Firefox 1.0+
MACs: IE 5.1, Safari
If on windows, your internet browser must be Internet Explorer 6 or above... Or Firefox 1 or above
If a Mac, Internet Explorer 5.1 or Safari
You can check your version of Internet Explorer by clicking on the "Help" utton opn the toolbar and then choose "about Internet Explorer" This will give you a window with the IE version information.
If that looks OK, let us know what version of windows (if windows pc) you have... Windows for Workgroups, Me, Home, 2000, XP Home, or XP Professional. This can be found on the "System" icon on the "Control Panel Settings".
After we get the further info, we might be able to get you onto chat...
Hope this helps...