Hello to everyone today it's three months since I've had my operation and since I don't come here as often as I did when I first found out about
my cancer I thought I would check in and let you know that I still appreciate all the help you gave me in those first few weeks I found out what I had. I'm sure I would've gotten through it but everyone here sure made it easier.
As the time has gone by my incontenace has improved but my desitire for sex has gone away. Even taking viagra has not helped. I thought the first few weeks after I had the operation and I was having some erections without medication that I was going to be okay but as the weeks have gone on I can say without hesitation that I do have ED to some degree. Also the desire for sex is not there. I've tried to kick start the impulse but with mixed and somewhat disappointing results.
you would think that this would've put me down but not really. Our family still does things together and as far as intimate relations with the wife well the good thing is we have always been best friends.
I've desided to not give it too much thought and to keep taking the viagra to increase blood flow to the vital areas. What happens is what happens.
My main reason for this posting is to let you all know that I'm alive, doing fairly well and I'm very greatful for everything you did for me.
take care of yourselves and pass the word to all men get a checkup and practice healthy preventative care.