Posted 8/6/2007 4:18 PM (GMT 0)
Now, if I remember correctly, from your previous posts what makes you happy is to take care of your family. Part of that is taking care of you.
Taking care of yourself is part of the fight against pc. It's that circle thing. (You can tell I'm pretty scientific about this stuff, huh?)
The fact you feel 10 years younger, your strength is back in full is, well, probably more than thought you would have at this point in time, isn't it? And it brings all of us great joy to hear that, believe me.
Initially, my husband felt fine. We worked 12 -14 hr days (gas pipeline construction) and he had not slowed down at all. We've talked about this more than a few can cancer be attacking you like that and you feel fine??? His "good" pathology report after surgery was not long lived. Finding the cancer had metastised to distant lymph nodes was the sledge hammer. That being said, when your in that place, you come to some decisions. And as TC said it's the can rob you...don't let it.
After dealing with so very much it's normal to wonder...maybe it's just a "gift". Just say thanks and go on. You're a great guy, OFL.
All the best,