I have seen this here, too.
I cannot see the benefits of NOT taking them. As this is one of the first areas to show if metastatic disease will be an issue, I would make sure that my surgeon clearly state his intentions BEFORE surgery. i did not know to ask when I had my surgery. But My surgeon removed and biopsied 10 lymph nodes. And I am very glad he did. Interestingly, my radiation oncologist has the same philosophy and studies to prove it. When I went in for adjuvant IMRT treatments, he told me about
studies that are showing that when having radiation for prostate cancer that Whole Pelvic Radiation Therapy (WPRT) is proving to lower recurrance rates. By WPRT he refers to shooting the local lymph nodes as well as the prostate and/or prostate bed. So I have it two ways. Ten were removed at surgery (clean) and the rest were shot with IMRT. This sounds right and I would question those doctors that do not remove them. Again, I believe that this should be dicussed with every LRP/RRP or radiation patient. jwb187, You should ask your radiation oncologist about
the S.t.a.n.f.o.r.d. study for WRPT.