After 8-9 weks, I had my major dry up... 5-6 pads to barely wet pad onve a day. I had drank coffee the whole time (1-3 cups a day) and did not notice any differences on incontinance.... Only when I had to urinate.
I was cruising along on the one pad a day (barely wet) and was thinking the last drops would dry up in a week or so... Didn't worry about it. Also didn't dry up completely. At my 3 month PSA test, doctor suggested I just quit wearing pads and see what happens... I did not really listen to him and continued using one pad a day. Well, just recently I ran out of pads one day, so decided to go w/o. Lo and behold, I had a completely dry day! Should have listened to the doctor earlier...
Anyway, I found myself and kegals "background thinking" about "hollding" due to the lack of the safety net pad. and it worked fine... Guess I needed the LACK of the security blanket pad to get there... Maybe our brains/bodies respond better to necessity/discomfort to keep from getting wet than subcontiously lazy and depending on pads... Anyway, I am now pad free and enjoying it...
I have noticed that if I drink more than 3 glasses of wine in an hour or two (during a once in awhile "party" mode), I will still occasionally get a squirt or two... This is only because I feel myself in the slighly impaired and would not drive state... Probably brain losing communication with kegals and sphincter also loosening up... As long as I pace myself... like 1 glass per hour (4-5 oz), things are fine. This is my normal pacing and I have no continance problems at that pace.
I have also gotten good at kegals for sneezing, coughing, and laughing and rarely have squirts during those events
And I am still doing daily kegals...
God Bless!