I had a nerve sparring radical prostatectomy on July 24, 2007. I initially had a catheter for 1 week. After removal I urinated perfectly for 24 hours. At that point I was unable to urinate and returned to the Hospial where I had another catheter inserted which remained for an additional week. Today makes approximately 6 weeks since the last catheter was removed and I remain incontient for the most part. I remain dry at night gettingthe urge and getting up approx 5 times. In the morning I get the urge and stay relively dry but do not urinate a great deal each time. It appears that as soon as urine enters my bladder I get the urge to go. As the day progresses I get worse and by evening I am soaked! I a\would appreciate knowing how long other have gone without seeing significant change in incontinance.
I tried Viagra, Cialis and lavitra but found they made me feel ill. My Dr. perscribed TriMix which works but I am not quite certain I have had an orgasm. Certainly doesn't feel the same.
Any input would begreatly appreciated as I am starting to get rather concerned.