Sounds like you are doing very well after your cryo treatment. I'm sure your positive results will continue. I'm the same age as you and I chose Proton Beam as my treatment. I'm 1 yr. and 10 mo. out and My results are similar to yours. Psa dropped 50% the first and second Check and is now hovering. Still have frequent Urinations, But no other problems. Had that problem before treatment due to long term BPH. Erections are firm for awhile and then semi-firm. Heck, I'm 76. I'm not familiar with your treatment so good to hear about other options. Seems like most here just " Want it out".
I too have modifyed my diet and have reduced sugars and fats with lots of fruits, veggie and suppliments. I grind golden Flax seed and put it in a drink daily. Helps the heart also. I had a 4 way bypass previous to my cancer.
Keep on Keeping on.