I've recently been disagnosed with PC. Gleason 9; PSA 4.17;
clear bone scan and MRI. T2a Age: 70
Local doctor suggested DaVinci prostatectomy and then I went to Johns Hopkins and Dr. Jon Jarow strongly supported hormone treatment with 8 weeks of radiation and no surgery. My wife and I are going crazy researching the pros and cons of both methods and looked at most of the chat rooms here. Our dilemna: It seems that most men of high Gleason score (7 or more) do surgery and then afterwards have to go to HT/RT. At this point, I'm leaning toward going directly to HT/RT and passing by surgery. The only thing I think surgery does is give the doc an opportunity to look inside and really tell how far the cancer has spread. I would like to maintain as much of my active life style as possible and don't really want to risk the incontinence issues for a man my age with surgery. I believe going to HT/RT would maintain continence and still provide me with a reasonable success rate for cure. Any comments would be greatly appreciated?