Cardonab- Yes, you can! I have it and it doesn't show up on tests! However, after a few months of no wheat, the results spoke for themselves! My natural health doc did something called an NAET test, which I rolled my eyes at, but it confirmed my suspicions! I actually ended up cutting grains out of my diet completely, and I am doing infinitely better since I have! Also switched to raw milk... just to cover all my bases!
draco- I have never heard of that specifically, but a lot of gluten-intolerant people have acne breakouts when they eat gluten/wheat. Since both Leprocy and Acne are bacteria-driven, I would assume it's the same problem; the wheat is feeding "bad" bacteria, then it causes skin problems, especially since the skin is one of the main ways that the body removes the "bad" things and toxins. Going gluten-free is the best bet, even if it's just to see what works! You could also consider getting tested for Candida, which has a variety of related symptoms.
my daughter has C>D I think- Be careful with anything that causes digestive problems- that can make headaches worse and slow the healing of the intestinal tract! Acupunture is often recommended for this type of headache, as well as to speed the re-balancing of the body systems. Magnesium is often recommended for migraines, and I have heard of the use of PA-free Butterbur too since it's anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Cayenne and ginger (capsules) help digestive issues, and cayenne is frequently recommened for pain relief in general- in this case it may prove very helpful since the cause is in the digestive tract, and the headaches are coming from that (as strange as it sounds, headaches can come from digestive issues).
Hope you all are doing well!