I have so many of the weird neurological symtoms that you explain . .. I have suspected lyme for myself , esp after all my MS testings came back normal , and also went to a neurologists and had a battery of tests done there , all negative , then I had wheat /gluten tests done thru my regular MD , all came back negative .But what i have found over and over again , is that when I very strictly eliminate wheat/gluten /dairy from my diet and eat alot of high nutrient foods instead , my symtoms get very low , or disappear completely ... add wheat back and they come back again , so I am not sure why my tests for wheat allergies was negative yet removed from my diet the symptoms greatly reduce if not go away all together .
I have weakness, numbness, extreme fatigue, tingling , arms falling asleep every night to the extreme , zaps , strange shooting pains , internal vibrating sensations , bad aching in muscles both arms and legs , gets so bad I have a hard time lifting my arms to fold clothes or to brush my hair for just a minute . Coordination issues , shakey weak feeling in legs , legs feel too heavy , like jello , arms feel like gumby . forehead will get numbish and feel like t heres cobwebs across it . dry eyes ... wont water . shortness of breath
My main symtoms are not diarreah or constipation or stomach cramping , they are muscular and neurological . I have read alot of things suggesting that when gluten proteins cross over the blood brain barrier , they cause neurological symptoms . People have had their MS symptoms , chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia symptoms disappear after eliminating gluten . There is a great link by a woman doctor who gained her health back after going gluten free .. I'll see if I can find the link . ...
And yes , I do think it is possible that you may have lyme or a mycoplasma infection or something like that . But even with that , you wanto to get your immune system healthy and getting the gluten out of your diet is going to help your recovery . Good luck