I've had suspicions for many years that I am celiac, but I've had the blood work done and it came back negative.
I'm wondering if any of you who have a diagnosis can relate to the symptoms I have?
- bloating (to the point of looking pregnant)
- gas (foul smelling)
- warm or hot feeling in stomach after eating
- sharp pains through intestines
- gnawing pain under ribs (front and back, relieved with pressure)
- pressure and pain in sides (lower back area)
- sharp aching pain below belly button
- bruised feeling in gut
- vomiting (can't keep water down, lasts about
12 hours, occurs every few months)
- diarrhea (occurs every few months)
- small "rabbit-like" bowel movements
- constipation (bowel movements occur once a week if that)
- rectal spasms (enough pain to bring me to my hands and knees crying, occurs once a year?)
- mucus in stool and instead of stool (white or orange in colour, weird/different smelling)
- dizziness
- foggy and unfocused
I don't THINK I've forgotten anything here, but I may add to this list