Please bare with me.
I have suffered from diarrhea since I was between 7 and 9 yrs old. I eventually stopped telling my dad as the dr only ever said it was a stomach bug. I got used to it and there was never anything that made it worse other than bananas, I'd be sitting on the loo within 10 minutes of eating it.
I was hit by a car when I was a teenager and only my left hip was damaged. Since that point I suffered joint pain, always ignored by doctors being told it was muscular. I still have a tendency to over compensate if I feel any pain and after have all but a small ring if cartilage removed from the affected hip, 2 bone scans, more X-rays than is good for a person and an arthrogram and MRI (will be having another later this year). I'm still in pain, bursitis doesn't help it, but I have also had pain in my other hip and both knees. I've had just about
every kind of pain relief, from over the counter to narcotics and the only thing that's actually relieved it just a small amount had been ketorolac.
Anyways, my diarrhea became serious for a short while and since I know doctors treat me like a hypocondriac I self medicated which antidiarrheal meds. I've never been ill with the diarrhea and after sitting and thinking about
how I've felt after eating all kinds of food, even as a kid, I can't find any correlation except that raw or under cooked, or just any fruit or veg that isn't soft just goes right through me. I often have a look and say out loud 'I know I chewed that!'.
I eventually did become very ill, it started sometime around June last year. I was experiencing shortness of breath, incredible stomach pain, not cramps it was pain, serious diahrrea, my joint pain (which I know isn't arthritis thanks to 2 bone scans) did slowly worsen, I lost my appetite and only around when I went to the hospital did the nausea begin. I had the occasional minute amount of blood in my stool but plenty mucous.
So getting closer to the point and I apologize for a life story but I feel it's really the only way to get a real answer.
I was diagnosed with UC in December after the scope which in the hospital last August. The general surgeon (moderate idiot) showed me the inflammation and ulceration and the biopsy confirmed it. I've been on Pentasa since October, it's helped minimally on the dose I was given but didn't stop me from flaring. I'm at the end of my essentially 3rd flare since the diagnosis during my first. I've had 2 courses of Prednisone, finishing the last of the 2nd now but it really wasn't helping much this time so my GP referred me to an Internist.
When he was referring me he said specialist so I figured it would be a GI not an internist but I guess the trend of screwing me around is still going. I saw the Internist 2 day ago, he was quite abrupt and rude and wasn't very clear when asking questions. After telling me that I have no idea what constipation is and that I don't have UC..... yeah, kinda thinking that most people here are more qualified than he is! He told me that I most likely just have IBS and maybe at a push Celiac disease.
I had the blood work done yesterday which is checking me for just about
everything inder the sun. Celiac desiease, thyroid problems, heart disease, anemia, vitamin deficiencies and so on. Pretty sure I had more blood taken yesterdady than during all 3 of my pregnancies! Which were all perfectly normal and resulted in 3 ridiculously healthy kids.
So really I'd like to know from any of you if anything I've experienced could point to Celiac rather than the UC which was diagnosed after ruling out everything..... Nothing I've read says I do, although I mostly likely do have a yeast problem in my gut.
Once again I'm sorry and thank you to those who have bared with me and also to those who reply.
I have made some paragraphs in your post to make it easier to read.
Post Edited By Moderator (straydog) : 2/9/2017 12:52:17 PM (GMT-7)