Hi folks,
I am a 55 yr old male and approx 20 months ago I started losing weight unintentionally. My regular Dr. diagnosed me with type 2 diabetes. Since that first visit I have got my diabetes under control so I know that is not my problem. I have had numerous blood tests from GP , also colonostopy, ct scan, etc. but nothing seems to be wrong. I eat like a horse and still keep on losing weight. One dr. even thought my gall bladder might be the problem so had that taken out also! I went to a Rhuematologist as thought it could be an autoimmune disease, also and endocronologist and my blood sugar has been basically perfect.
Has anyone out there ever had this happen? I dont think that I have any symptoms of celiac disease. I do remember a couple times a few months ago where I had a very slight stomach ache for week to 10 days but wasnt serious in my mind.
Im just wondering if there is any possible way that I could have celiac disease? Im sure the docs in my small town do not have much experience with it. I apologize for this long posting and thank you for reading.
P.S. Thought about trying a gluten free diet just in case for 3 months but Im afraid I will be a complete skeleton in that time! This has been very frustrating and not sure what to do next. Thx again
Mark in Nebraska