I have been diagnosed twice in the past year through colonoscopy biopsy that I have MC. I have had this condition for three years but just finally made myself see a gastro doc last year. Doctor has tried every med that typically works for MC. I have diahrea 4+ times per day. My stomach is very loud but not painful or gassy feeling. It just roars around loudly. Within 30 min. of eating I will have a blowout as I call it. Did I mention I am a runner. So that presents another issue. Yes I have had a few accidents along the way. When it hits I must go immediately. I have frequented every large tree along my country route. Only med that gave some relieve was Prednisone. However, I will not use that again - horrible drug. Four months later I can't get the added 7 pounds off that I gained while on Prednisone. Now doc wants to try a mild antidepressant that is used for IBS. I am confused, and basically it is interring with my life. My personality is one of a worry wart with much anxiety especially when it comes to this topic.