Mojo, in 1999, a week before my 31st birthday, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had surgery, chemo, radiation and took Tamoxifen for 5 years. In 2008, I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer.
All cancer sucks, but let me help you put it in perspective....thyroid cancer was about 1000X easier than breast cancer. Not to minimize it, it is still cancer, but the cure rate is spectacular....for my situation (stage 1) it is about a 99% cure rate. Surgery is not that bad and the treatment is a hassle, but not bad. I likened it to having a chronic disease with an acute flare up....once treated with a radioactive iodine pill, it takes a bit to get you regulated on medication and then for most, it is over, and you get to live your life again.
This is not a bad cancer....I know they are all bad, but if you have to pick a cance, thyroid is at the top of the list. It is a temporary bump in the road but is easy to take care and treat. Try not to worry till you know what you are facing...worrying won't change the outcome, it will just make you more distraught. And who needs that?
Just know that whatever it is, you can handle it and will likely be able to keep a pretty normal life during the process. Hang in there!