Posted 9/3/2015 1:12 AM (GMT 0)
Elevated TPO and TgAB are signs of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. If all your other thyroid tests are normal, then your doctor may want to take a wait and see approach. I can't remember the ranges off the top of my head, but if you Google "optimal thyroid levels" and then look at images, there's a chart that shows the ranges and where the levels are optimal. It's definitely something you'll want to keep an eye on because Hashi's is an autoimmine disorder in which the immune system sees the thyroid as a foreign body. Because of this, the immune system attacks the thyroid, and in the case of Hashi's it can cause hypothyroidism.
One thing you can do to prevent this attack is to follow a gluten free lifestyle - Paleo is a good starting point. The reason for this is the wheat protein molecule is one molecular deviation different from an enzyme in the thyroid. If your immune system is already on alert to attack, and it starts see gluten, it'll start attacking that, thinking it's your thyroid, then also hit your thyroid. I have Hashi's and hypo and I follow the autoimmune protocol diet (AIP). I have a bunch of food intolerances. I think starting with paleo is fine. Of course it's a personal preference, but I wish I would've done it sooner than I did.