I saw my endo beginning of February and she sent me for some blood work. my results are:
TSH .55 range .32-4 mIU/L
FT3 4.6 range 3.1-6.2 pmol/L
RT3 20 range 8-25 ng/dL
FT4 12 range 9-19 pmol/L
Prolactin 28.2 range 5.0-27 ug/L
cortisol am 457 range 135-537 nmol/L
transglutaminase Ab IgA negative
endomysial antibodies negative
nuclear antibody positive
vitamin b12 493 range 138-652 pmol/L
ferritin 31 range 5-272 ug/L
My symptoms include:
heart palpitations
hair loss
low blood pressure
cold intolerance
difficulty concentrating
brain fog
joint and muscle pain/weakness
mood swings
bowel changes
low libido
dry skin
weight loss
Can anyone help me?