Shoot! If it's not one thing it's another!
(((((((((((((((((((((((gentle hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
You have been put through the wringer, woman!
Okay, My first suggestion, kick that doctor to the curb! Find you a good doctor who cares for you. Cause, baby, you need some TLC!
I know all this stress is terrible for your blood pressure. If you can find some "me time" to relax and find some peace of mind. Put granddaughter to bed early (8:30), grab some of your favorite music, chocolate, and rest in your recliner or your favorite spot.
Now tomorrow get ahold of a doctor's directory and search for a doctor who can help you better. As soon as you can go visit the doctor and lay out all your health problems and ask him/her if they can help you.
You may have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince, but it's out there.
There is a good forum here for anxiety and depression run by my good friend Kitt. She is a wonderful woman and has large shoulders to lean on.
I'll still be here watching out for you and any questions about thyroid and anytime you need to vent.
((((((((((((((((more hugs)))))))))))))